Page name: Celtic Knot Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-05 23:31:50
Last author: CelticDragon
Owner: CelticDragon
# of watchers: 8
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Celtic Knot Contest

Hosted by [CelticDragon]

Voting is over! Congratulations to everyone and thank you all for participating!
1st Place: [mburk]
2nd Place: [May-lea]
3rd Place: [Spanakopida]

I'll leave the link to the poll in case anyone wants to see the exact results. <poll:12840>


1)There can be other objects, but the focus of the picture should be a celtic knot. If you're not sure about your picture, post it in your house and message me to come see if it's okay. If you post a picture that doesn't fit this rule, I'll message you about it and ask you to crop it. I'm pretty lenient, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
2)No nudity
3)No cursing
4)Must completely be your original work.
5)No more than three entries per person.
6)No changing entries after the deadline.
7)Advertising the contest in your house is okay, saying you're in it is okay, but don't ask people to vote for you.

Violators will be notified. If no action is taken three days after I message you or the deadline, whichever comes first, the picture/person (whichever applies) will be removed from the contest. Don't think entering a picture within three days of the deadline and not logging on in time to read it will exclude you. Feel free to re-post it if you fix it.(This only applies to violations of rules 1-3.)


Voting will be done by poll. Contestants, please don't vote for yourselves. Voters, please don't vote for your friends if you don't think their's is the best. Be fair. If I find out that anyone has done this, that person will be disqualified.

Voters please try not to be biased for or against any religious symbols the knots may be associated with. Yes, I mean this for both the pentagram and the cross- along with any others that may be entered.

If an entrant posts more than one picture and more than one places in the top three, the entrant will be given the highest badge they earned and the other(s) will be given to the next entrant down.

If an entry contains something other than a celtic knot, don't judge it on the other something. Judge the knot.


I've made badges for first, second, and third place.

Here's a badge you can post for entering.
First place badge- <img:>
Second place badge- <img:>
Third place badge- <img:>

1. [Sindawethwen] hehe...first to submit...
<img:*L0LtrOR3mcsxB7pista9mED19T0xN*AOiYbW71IEubqGHPA/knotwork%20pentacle.jpg?dc=4675445433614278931> ([tsukineko-sama] fixed the HTML)

2. [mywolfalways] A name I did in a Celtic Knot style by request. 

3. [Spanakopida] my entry. its kind of bad...this is like the 1st one ive every drawn. i messed up o some parts but overall i think it looks pretty in technicolor!

4. [Kamona]

5a. [Raentor]
5b. [Raentor]

6 [Kememmótar]

7. [Karis] My lucky number ^_^ Anyway... Hope you like!

8. [mburk] The Mod's rejected this from Loth.. anyhoo, here goes

9. [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós] Symbol of the Triple Goddess, for those who don't know, done in Celtic Knots.

10. [Falx]Celtic Cross. The only knotwork I've ever done. <img:>

11. [May-lea] Knotted Triskell. 've been working on it all night!

Username (or number or email):


2003-11-03 [Madame Black]: will add mine soon... its been drawn out, but on notebook paper and it looks crummy!

2003-11-04 [bubbles21]: hi im brittney

2003-11-05 [Spanakopida]: i'm not very good at these things but they look extremely fun, maybe i'll try one

2003-11-08 [inazuma]: Ooh, celtic knots! Yay! Now I need to go draw an entry. *runs off with pencil and paper*

2003-11-12 [Spanakopida]: there ya go guys, enjoy

2003-11-12 [CelticDragon]: Yay! Now I can take it off the new contests list!

2003-11-12 [CelticDragon]: I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt I saw Aralle's entry on a pickle jar. I don't know where that came from. I have really weird dreams.

2003-11-12 [Spanakopida]: whoa. i suppose you COULD put it on a pickle jar...o.0 if you wanted to... haha, i've had weirder dreams

2003-11-14 [Raentor]: Weee it worked lol

2003-11-15 [Bloody Rainbow]: I'm going to enter as soon as I get my camera working...

2003-11-16 [Vimesy]: Gonna add mine, and see if its good enough to contest

2003-11-16 [CelticDragon]: Now we're gettin' somewhere. ^_^ I'm thinking I might change the deadline to January 11. Odd number, I know. I don't have internet access at home and I get back from Christmas Break then.

2003-11-16 [Raentor]: hey can we have more than one entry?

2003-11-16 [CelticDragon]: Hm... I knew I'd forgotten something in the rules. Up to three entries.

2003-11-16 [Raentor]: WOOHOO

2003-11-16 [CelticDragon]: About the deadline- the 15th would be more appropriate. That way, I could give any violaters a fair chance to respond. Give violaters a fair chance... that sounds strange in one sentence. lol

2003-11-16 [CelticDragon]: Maybe numbering that way would be less confusing..

2003-11-16 [Raentor]: works for me

2003-11-21 [Karis]: Whoo!! My pic is up ^_^

2003-11-21 [Raentor]: ack i'm gettin competition lol ^_~

2003-11-22 [Karis]: ^_^

2003-11-22 [Spanakopida]: too! thats incredible btw

2003-11-22 [Bloody Rainbow]: I like your pic Karis...

2003-11-22 [mburk]: mine=posted

2003-11-22 [Spanakopida]:

2003-11-22 [Kememmótar]: awesome stuff

2003-11-23 [Raentor]: holy crap

2003-11-23 [mburk]: whats everyone freaking out about?

2003-11-23 [Raentor]: yer artwork is ummm nice hehe

2003-11-23 [mburk]: lol thanks, but i think there are still some better ones here already and im sure there will be many more great entries

2003-11-26 [Karis]: Oo.. pretty [mburk] *stares*

2003-11-26 [mburk]: lol, thanks...

2003-11-27 [Kememmótar]: I got another another one to enter later, when the deadline again?

2003-11-29 [CelticDragon]: January 15th

2003-11-30 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I have a question, does a picture with a Dragon and a wolf howling at a moon with a celtic knot on the face count as the focus being on the knot?

2003-11-30 [CelticDragon]: I've been pretty lenient so far. Post it and I'll have a look-see.

2003-12-01 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: it is in my house, I just haven't gotten the knot in it yet

2003-12-01 [CelticDragon]: Yeah, that's fine. They're looking at it so your eyes tend to drift towards the moon. Dragon howling at the moon..I never would have thought of that.

2003-12-05 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It was originally gonna be flying but I got frustrated with it, which isn't unusal for me

2003-12-05 [CelticDragon]: lol That's happened to me before.

2003-12-08 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yeah, sux, but ohwell the way it turned out is good too, at least, Matt thinks so

2003-12-08 [Raentor]: LOL yeah i do ;)

2003-12-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I'm glad

2003-12-16 [Starna]: To [Spanakopida]: Fill in the lines, so it's easier to see and you'll win. Awesome job.

2003-12-16 [Spanakopida]: i'll win? i doubt it..hee hee...well, thanks for the advice!

2003-12-16 [Sindawethwen]: yeah...that's a great idea [Spanakopida] should do it! what you have there is really is kinda hard to follow though without some indication of what's background and what's not...

2003-12-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It is good, but saying she WILL win is not right because there are other good artists up there, and everyone has their own personal tastes

2003-12-17 [Spanakopida]: yeah..i agree

2003-12-22 [Spanakopida]: whooooooo0000..color

2003-12-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I wish I could color on the compter, but it always turns out looking like child's play, oh well, I like my pencils

2003-12-22 [Spanakopida]: you did a nice job with them too^_^ i think it's very pretty

2003-12-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: thanks, but I'm still learning

2003-12-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I just noticed that spelling error "Thriple" instead of "Triple" why didn't anyone say anything?!

2003-12-23 [Spanakopida]: probably nobody noticed

2003-12-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: *is really embarassed* I can spell....really I can

2003-12-23 [Sindawethwen]: i didn't notice it...

2003-12-23 [Pontius Pilate]: my fav is the spider one

2003-12-23 [Kamona]: Hey, Thanks ^_^

2003-12-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: other then the fact that it is a spider it is really good

2003-12-25 [Sindawethwen]: what's wrong with spiders? i love spiders...

2003-12-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: arachniphobic

2003-12-25 [Sindawethwen]: well that sucks...they really are beautiful creatures...

2003-12-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: *shivers* No a snake is beautiful, a horse is beautiful....

2003-12-25 [Sindawethwen]: spiders are gorgeous

2003-12-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: no thanks

2003-12-25 [Kamona]: *smiles*

2003-12-26 [Sindawethwen]: *shrugs* to each their own...

2003-12-26 [windowframe]: I don't care for spiders either way, but just the fact that she's managed to make a creature out of the knots, rather that just having a plain knot makes it cool...

2003-12-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yeah I said it was good, other then the spider

2004-01-02 [Falx]: So, I've been trying to get my celtic cross up here from my house, but the image link doesn't show the picture. What am I doing wrong here?

2004-01-03 [Falx]: Never mind that last comment. I figured it out.

2004-01-03 [Spanakopida]: thats a cool effect you got there

2004-01-03 [Falx]: Thanks, I used ArcSoft Photostudio to get that. I think it was the engrave tool...

2004-01-06 [Kememmótar]: Hey. thats imprint looking one is awesomely well done. I lost now.. *cries*

2004-01-06 [Falx]: *blushes* gee.... thanks....but, I like yours better. The knotwork is cleaner and it really sets off the demonic angel in the middle

2004-01-09 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: hhmmmm...on my software it is the emboss tool

2004-01-11 [Spanakopida]: cool

2004-01-11 [CelticDragon]: I wonder if this contest had anything to do with that? Heheh..wishful thinking.

2004-01-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I don't know.  Uh the page is password protected now?

2004-01-15 [May-lea]: Looks like. That's not clever because only crew member and the owner of the page can add a new entry! (I'm lucky on that one!)

2004-01-15 [Spanakopida]: ooooOOOO very pretty *oogles*

2004-01-15 [May-lea]: ^_^ Thanks! I like yours too

2004-01-15 [CelticDragon]: How do I fix that? It came up on it's own.

2004-01-15 [CelticDragon]: If anyone wants to enter before the deadline and can't 'cause of the password thing, put your entry up in your house and send me a message before tomorrow at 1:30 ET. (I'll be busy 'til then.)

2004-01-15 [May-lea]: I think I can remove the password if you want.

2004-01-17 [mburk]: i dont see my name on the poll...

2004-01-18 [Sturmi]: there are two names that are not in the poll!

2004-01-18 [May-lea]: [Karis] is the other one

2004-01-18 [mburk]: i think voting needs to completely start over with a new poll that is correct

2004-01-18 [May-lea]: Yep. I agree. Although that'd mean loosing the votes I already got... sigh for once I had any...

2004-01-18 [CelticDragon]: *looks really embarrased* I'm really sorry everyone. I'll start it over.

2004-01-18 [Kieshara]: O.o

2004-01-29 [Amerthyst]: For a moment there thought this was the one i entered o.o; good luck peoples!

2004-01-30 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: When is the voting over?

2004-01-30 [CelticDragon]: I'm thinking about 50 votes or February 28th, whichever comes sooner.

2004-01-31 [Anazalie]: So many great artwork here! an i ask you all something? :)

2004-01-31 [Anazalie]: Im working on a special project for my graphic design course,about celtic mythology and music inspired by celtic mythology. If you know some bands who do music directly inspired by celtic myths or legends , please let me know :) Im also desperatly searching for Llewellyn's song ``Rhiannon`` lyrics (from the Celtic Legend CD) If anyonw knows them, again please let me know :) Thanks.

2004-01-31 [Raentor]: one band that does alot of stuff inspired by celtic mythos and art is a band called Solas and Lorenna McKennit also does alot of celtic stuff

2004-01-31 [Anazalie]: I already Know Loreena ... She's a great artist :) I'll search about Solas. Thanks for answering!

2004-01-31 [May-lea]: Tri-Yann, Dan ar braz. Both those groups are inspired by celts and the celtic culture. Sometimes they sing in 'Breton', a language related to welsh and gaelic, celtic languages.

2004-01-31 [Raentor]: yeah also simon and garfunkel did scarbourough fair which is inspired by a celtic song originaly and i can't remember the name of the guy but about 35 or 40 yrs ago some researcher went around to pubs in the british isles and talked to alot of the older folks there who still remembered some of the old songs passed down through the generations and there are some really cool old story and legend songs on those CD's i'll have to rumage around in my CD colection to find the box

2004-01-31 [Falx]: You might want to try Seven Nations. Also some of Enya and Clannad are good celtic stuff. We have a local band that does celtic music. If they have a CD, I'd be glad to rip it for you

2004-01-31 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I wish the old Celtic Guild website was up for the TORC guild, we had a page on music and musicians, but I can ask them and see if they come up with any others

2004-02-01 [Anazalie]: Thanks for the names May-Lea , I'll check out more about them :) And thanks again Raentor for all the info :P

2004-02-01 [Anazalie]: Arafael : that would be so sweet of you ! :)

2004-02-01 [Anazalie]: Lady Edana - Arianrhod Ros : Oh that would help me a lot :) If they do, please let me know ;)

2004-02-01 [CelticDragon]: Yeah, Solas is awesome! ^_^ They have a song inspired by Celtic mythology called 'Black Annis'. It's about Morrigan. Although if you look on Yahoo Launchcast, they have it listed as 'Black Angus. >.< There's a band I haven't heard before, but [Finnguala] is crazy about them- Omnia. They do a song called "Morrigan'.

2004-02-01 [Finnguala]: OMNIAAAAAH!! Probably because they're Dutch :D *bounces around* OMNIA! OMNIA! OMNIA!

2004-02-01 [Finnguala]: And they're not that famous, you know... :/ They should be!

2004-02-01 [Raentor]: Black Annis is one depressing ass song so is the one call Last Leviathan it almost made me cry

2004-02-01 [CelticDragon]: I haven't heard that one. Georgia Lee is depressing too. But they're both so pretty that you don't care how depressing they are, you just listen to them anyway. ^_^

2004-02-01 [Raentor]: I like Georgia Lee and the one they did about coal miners is really really good Heck they are just a good band all around :P

2004-02-01 [CelticDragon]: Which one is about the coal miners? I've only ever heard the songs from Edge of Silence but I'm already addicted. ^_^

2004-02-01 [Raentor]: ooo it's off the hour before dawn CD better than edge of silence in my opinion

2004-02-02 [Anazalie]: I cant wait to listen to these song you are all so enthousiastly talking about ;)

2004-02-02 [Anazalie]: And a lot of worth-recognition bands are not famous, they're like hidden treasures :)

2004-02-02 [Raentor]: mmhmm

2004-02-05 [CelticDragon]: Yay! Voting is finally over!

2004-02-05 [Raentor]: Congrats to the winers

2004-02-05 [May-lea]: I say congratulation to everybody ^_^

2004-02-05 [CelticDragon]: True, true. ^_^

2004-02-05 [Spanakopida]: whoa! I got third! i never expected to.....whoa. congrats to everyone else to. everything was like...awesome and stuff

2004-02-05 [May-lea]: I liked your knot, [Spanakopida]. It's an intersting design and stuff. But, if you've got time, what would be very nice would be to trace it again, and try to respect that famous under/above/under rule. You've got quite a few ones that don't work, but I'm sure it can be fixed. I'd give it a go but I don't have the time...

2004-02-06 [Falx]: Darn. Missed placing by two votes. Oh well, congrats to all the winners, you deserve it! It was a tough race.

2004-02-06 [May-lea]: The winner should be added to contest winner and the contest moved from the voting section to the winner announced one.

2004-02-06 [CelticDragon]: Oh, yeah, forgot about that. Good news all! The March Herald will be Celtic themed and a link to this page will be in it along with the winners' pictures. :)

2004-02-06 [May-lea]: oooh ^_^ nice!!

2004-02-06 [CelticDragon]: Oh, and it's due out St. Patty's Day.

2004-02-06 [May-lea]: *Grin* I'll draw another one one of these days...

2004-02-06 [CelticDragon]: ^_^ Winners, don't forget to put your badge in your house!...Although the badges aren't as good as the pictures. lol ;)

2004-02-06 [May-lea]: Could I have mine in white over a black background? *Grins* I'm not much for pink....

2004-02-06 [CelticDragon]: lol Of course! ^_^ Me neither, I just figured I shouldn't use the same color combos I always use. I'll have it up in no time. :)

2004-02-06 [May-lea]: Cheers ^_^

2004-02-06 [mburk]: yes yes, cheers :D

2004-02-07 [Spanakopida]: It's hard, really 'specially when you've got more than one knot going on there. what works for one doesnt always work for the other

2004-02-07 [May-lea]: You're really going to manage to have le doing it to show you ... Arrgh. Ok, It's not as if i wasn't enjoying doing it, but I'd better be using my time working on my projects... Aw

2004-02-07 [Spanakopida]: heh, it's like that because I'm a lazy-butt and well, I'm probably never going to draw one of these again. they hurt my brain! MY BRAIN!

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